![]() ISSN 2588-0497 |
The author investigates the history of constitutional control initiated by citizens and its place in the Constitutional Council of France and the Constitutional Court of Russia activities. According to the article, in both countries the judicial control over the constitutionality of laws hadn’t been implemented for a long time, and that was attributed to doctrinal considerations; and when this institution was finally introduced, that was mainly due to the aspiration to comply with the European standards. There is a general overview of the constitutional control implemented by two bodies mentioned above; the author wants to know the place the constitutional control body occurs in a judicial system, the extent to which its powers are exercised, and whether its decisions can be qualified as a source of law. As a result, the author finds out the similarities of the constitutional control in response to citizens’ appeals in both countries: it was initially follow-up and concrete and had a form of special proceedings that is initiated by citizens as a party to relevant proceedings, opposed to a party of the government, and resulted in binding and final judgments, which have both law-making and law-enforcement effects. Also the author points out a number of differences in organization of constitutional control in Russia and France. They concern, in particular, a subject of matter (laws and equivalent acts – in Russia, laws – in France); a way of submitting appeals (direct – in Russia, indirect – in France); a type of procedure (written or spoken – in Russia, spoken – in France); a law-enforcement effect of final judgments (they are applicable during or after their examination by court). In the author’s opinion, these divergences are all the result of the historic background and variances in the staffing and financial resources available for the Constitutional Court of Russia and the Constitutional Council of France.
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