Issue number: 
Semyakin Mikhail
Doctor of legal sciences, professor, Ural State Law University (Yekaterinburg)


The construction «civil rule of law» is widely used in both science and practice; however, different authors interpret it quite differently. This has a certain negative impact on law enforcement.

The purpose of the paper is to develop an adequate methodological approach to studying the mentioned construction by assessing the views of scientists, to formulate an author’s definition of this concept, and to distinguish its features from that of related concepts.

The objectives of the study were to examine and assess the scientists’ views on the civil rule of law category; to identify similarities and differences in their approaches; to analyze the circumstances determining these differences.

The article discusses ontological and epistemological foundations of civil rule of law, its relationship to certain concepts – public law and order, legality, legal regime, civil life, etc. Special attention is paid to identification of structural elements of civil rule of law. These are norms of civil law and other social norms; parties to civil relations with a civil legal personality; legal regime of subject matter of civil right; forms (methods) of influence on public relations, judicial and other practice, etc. Characteristics of civil rule of law derived from specifics of civil life, lex voluntatis, and protection of the rights and legal interests of entities are analyzed.

The author proposed his own definition of the civil rule of law, identified its etymology, characteristics and structural features as well as the adequate methodological approach to its studying, and outlined the prospects for its development. It was also concluded, that civil rule of law is a complex concept, which includes both legal and other social elements and is affected by many objective and subjective factors. Its ontological foundation is civil life of people. The civil rule of law should not be confused with a number of related concepts, such as the rule of law of civil society.

Key words: 
civil rule of law, civil life, civil society, legal regime, legality, legal relations, legal status, legal personality


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