Issue number: 
Semyakin Mikhail
Doctor of legal sciences, professor, Ural State Law University (Yekaterinburg)

Property as an object of study is treated as a unique, complex phenomenon with many facets that is one of the chief concerns of different sciences and a holistic factor of national and international development.

The author analyzes different approaches (philosophical, economic, legal) to the phenomenon of property. He makes some comments on methodologies of studying the phenomenon of private property that could contribute to rethinking a number of important legal concepts, categories, constructions related to the development of methodologies of civil research of property. Herewith, it is stated that the «anthropological coup», occurred in the second half of 20th century, is particular relevant because it has resulted in the transition from the subject-object cognition to subject-subject one.

The starting point in the study of property is an idea that the man’s appreciation of property as his own or foreign may be manifested only within and through the social relation – a social link between people. In this context the man’s appreciation of property is considered as a secondary element of the social property relation. On this basis the author takes with a grain of salt the consideration of property in such terms as «absolute power», «exceptional power», «man’s dominance over property», etc. He critically assesses the approach according to which the construction of property is based on a public relative (obligatory) legal relation between an owner and a state, and is presented in a form of public-private partnership where private property closely collaborates with state property, in particular when major investment projects should be implemented.

The author argues that the use of the «subject» research model of private property as a method of study in civil jurisprudence offers opportunities for the consideration of private property from other methodological points of view and for the acquisition of new knowledge on the object of study.

Key words: 
private property, research methods, phenomenon, methodology, civil jurisprudence, concept, category, construction, scientific research, power, dominance, appreciation of property, people’s relations in regard with belongings, man’s extension in his belongings, absolute legal relation, model, state, civil legislation, civil practice


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