Issue number: 
Malinova Izabella
Doctor of philosophical sciences, professor, Ural State Law University (Yekaterinburg)


The author investigates information and code foundations of biological, neuro-cognitive and social complex systems. Using this theoretical base she develops synergetic approaches to legal regulation and social designing, which are the alternatives of political and economic strategies of intentional leading into chaos as a means of boosted establishing of a new order according to the principle «An order out of chaos».

In our world there are growing trends to use the model «An order out of chaos» for the implementation of total political, legal, economic and educational programs; these trends are said to be a real threat, which could be stopped by forcing the chaos dominants out of political consciousness on the basis of synthesizing classical synergy and the proposed conception of informational and code foundations of self-organization of complex systems. In the light of this methodological position law is considered as a key component of self-organization of society, regulatory designing of social reality; and law-making is treated as a type of social and project activities.

The author introduces a concept of information capitalism in order to construct the synergetic models of self-organization of information society. The information capitalism is conceived as a phenomenon of the compact and extremely capacious accumulation of information energy, invested in self-organization of society, in a code memory of society.

On the basis of a theoretical construction of phylogeny and anthropogenesis processes the author shows that, in the complex systems with a feedback, the macro-level processes are determined by the micro-level code regulators, – unlike the nonequilibrium thermodynamic systems in which the micro- and macro-processes cooperate according to the scheme «An order out of chaos», and all attempts to apply this scheme to social systems put the last ones in a position of thermodynamic systems.

The positive synergetic models of order are proposed in contrast to the growing misuse of the principle «An order out of chaos» in politics, law and reform activities.

The author develops the conceptual apparatus of the information and code theory of synergy, creates the concepts of information, which is a transitive code memory; text-formation, which is a necessary component of all information and code interrelations in complex systems (codes are the matrixes of text-formation); information energy, which is a transitive code memory of society reflected in material and spiritual culture and reproduced in synergic people’s relations that are conditioned by existential codes; code memory, which is an inexhaustible thesaurus of information energy delivering the existential power of society or feeding its integrity and self-organization.

In the article there is the classification of types of systems (substrate, noumen, etc.), types of self-organization (spontaneous-attractive, future-attractive, vector-genesis), types of codes (natur-codes, sema-codes, spirit-codes).

Human thinking is treated as a phenomenon based on transitions supporting the synergy of cognitive and cerebral processes: in a tandem system «brain – consciousness» certain configuration of neuron connections (combination of neuro-codons) is correspond to every single letter, every single word or unit of a sema-code; in individual consciousness the non-linear algorithms (future-attractive programs) of developing and processing sema-texts has their neuro-code correlates, and in social consciousness these functions are performed by cluster-ordered cultural codes.

Using the conception of auto-terminal space of society the author examines the impact of its textual dominants on human behavior and psychosomatics – both positive and negative.

Key words: 
synergy, auto-terminal space of society, complex systems, self-organization, social designing, law, information society, capitalization of information energy, information capitalism, cultural codes, thinking, artificial intelligence, methodology, philosophy of law, information law


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